HenryWSC 103

Matthew Henry’s Westminster Shorter Catechism Commentary on Question 103

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Is the will of God’s commands the rule of our action? Yes: we must understand what the will of the Lord is,
Eph. 5:17
. Are we to pray that we may conform to this rule? Yes: that we may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God,
Rom. 12:2
Must we pray that God would give us to know his will? Yes: Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law,
Ps. 119:34
. And to know it fully? Yes: That ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will,
Col. 1:9
. And to know it in doubtful cases? Yes: Teach me thy way, O Lord, lead me in a plain path,
Ps. 27:11
. Do all who are sanctified truly desire to know God’s will Yes: What saith my Lord unto his servant?
Josh. 5:14
When we know God’s will, are we able of ourselves to do it? No: we are not sufficient of ourselves,
2 Cor. 3:5
. Must we therefore pray to God to make us able? Yes: Now, therefore, O God, strengthen my hands,
Neh. 6:9
. And must we depend upon his grace? Yes: I will go in the strength of the Lord God,
Ps. 71:16
. Must we pray to God to make us willing? Yes: incline my heart unto thy testimonies,
Ps. 119:36
. And to make us entirely willing? Yes: Unite my heart to fear thy name,
Ps. 36:11
Must we pray that we may be sincere in our obedience? Yes: Let my heart be sound in thy statutes,
Ps. 119:80
. And that we may be exact in our obedience? Yes: O that my ways were directed to keep thy commandments!
Ps. 119:5
. And that we may be universal in our obedience? Yes: That we may stand complete in all the will of God,
Col. 4:12
. And that we may be armed against that which would divert us from our obedience? Yes: Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou me in thy way,
Ps. 119:37
. And must we pray that others also may do God’s will? Yes: That they may be perfect in every good work, to do his will,
Heb. 13:21
Is the will of God’s counsel the rule of his actions? Yes: for he worketh all according to the counsel of his own will,
Eph. 1:11
. Must we desire that this may be done? Yes: The will of the Lord be done,
Acts 21:14
. Rather than our own will? Yes: Not as I will, but as thou wilt,
Matt. 26:39
. And must we acquiesce in it? Yes: It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good,
1 Sam. 3:18
. And must we pray that he will enable us to do so? Yes: That we may be strengthened with all might, unto all patience and longsuffering, with joyfulness,
Col. 1:11
Do the angels in heaven do the will of God? Yes: they do his commandments, hearkening to the voice of his word,
Ps. 103:20
. Do they do it readily? Yes: they fly swiftly,
Dan. 9:21
. Do they do it zealously? Yes: for they are a flaming fire,
Ps. 104:4
. Do they do it with an eye to God? Yes: for they always behold the face of our Father,
Matt. 18:10
. And are we to pray that God’s will may so be done on earth? Yes: that the kingdoms of this world may become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ,
Rev. 11:15
HenryWSC 103